CLL/MCL Coverage from Every Angle

Published Medical Literature

Evaluating Therapeutic Options for Patients With MCL
5-Year Follow-Up: Zanubrutinib vs Bendamustine/Rituximab in Treatment-Naive CLL or SLL
Novel CLL12 Study Investigates Outcomes With Ibrutinib in Early-Stage CLL
Zanubrutinib vs Ibrutinib for CLL in China: ALPINE Trial Subgroup
Is the Hematotox Score Predictive of Outcomes After CAR T-Cell Therapy?
Novel Case Report of Zanubrutinib Plus Radiotherapy for MCL Epidermoid Tumor
Case Report in CLL: Use of Ibrutinib and Susceptibility to COVID-19
Real-World Answers in CLL: Risk Factors for Infusion-Related Reactions With Obinutuzumab
Understanding the ‘Black Box’ of Genetic Evolution From CLL to Richter’s Syndrome
Study Finds Risk of VTE May Be Higher Than Previously Thought in Patients With CLL
Cost Considerations of Beginning Treatment of CLL With Venetoclax Plus Obinutuzumab
Novel Model of B-Cell Receptor Signaling Cascade Topology in Nonmalignant and CLL Cells
Survival Outcomes of Patients With CLL and COVID-19 During Omicron Variant Dominance
MRD-Driven, Time-Limited Triplet Therapy Under Study in CLL
Membrane-Bound IL-21–Expanded NK Cells Under Study in CLL
Ibrutinib Treatment in CLL: Focus on Disease With and Without Deletion 17p
Clinical Features of Chinese Patients With CLL: Focus on Age
RESONATE-2: Long-Term Follow-up on Use of Ibrutinib in CLL
Treatment Options for High-Risk CLL and Richter Syndrome
Correlating Surface IgM Levels With Response to Ibrutinib Therapy for CLL
6-Year Trial Update on Ibrutinib Plus Rituximab Versus Chemoimmunotherapy for CLL
Clinical Outcomes Following Combination BCL2 and BTK Inhibitory Therapy for CLL
Could CLL Be Unmasked in Susceptible Individuals With COVID-19 Infection?
Abnormalities in the Myeloid Compartment During Venetoclax Therapy for CLL
Does BCL2 Expression Promote Immunosuppression in Patients With CLL?
Can Proteomic Profiling Improve Therapeutic Outcomes for Patients With CLL?
From the Haematological Malignancy Research Network: Expanded Database May Yield Insights in CLL
Obinutuzumab Dosing in CLL: Wider Clinical Implications of Practices in Manitoba?
Treatment Duration of Venetoclax Plus Obinutuzumab in Patients With CLL
Is Lyn Kinase the Bridge Between BCR and ROR1 Signaling Pathways in CLL?
Combination of Obinutuzumab, Ibrutinib, and Venetoclax for Untreated High-Risk CLL
Pathogenetic Research: CLL Cells and Their Ability to Present Particulate Antigens
Incorporating Low-Burden TP53 Variants Into Treatment Decision-Making in CLL
Do Differences Among CLL Variants Affect Treatment Outcomes?
Phase Ib/II Clinical Trial: Does Regimen Treatment for CLL Reduce Infusion-Related Reactions?
Genomic Analysis Focuses on Mechanisms of Resistance to Noncovalent BTK Inhibitors in CLL
BTK or BCL2 Inhibitors: Which Is Preferable for First-Line Therapy for CLL?
Long-Term Zanubrutinib Therapy for Treatment-Naive or Resistant CLL
Acanthamoeba Infection in a Patient Treated With Ibrutinib for CLL: Case Report
CLL12 Trial: Use of Ibrutinib in Early-Stage CLL
Zanubrutinib-Based Therapy for CLL: Focus on MRD-Driven Treatment Duration
The Role of Anti-CD20 Antibodies in the Treatment of CLL: From German Cancer Registry
Complementary Strategies to Manage CLL: Focus on Restoring Immune Function
Does Treatment of CLL Negatively Impact Outcomes in COVID-Positive Patients?
Richter Transformation in CLL: From Pathophysiology to Treatment
Reinstatement of HBV Infection After Ibrutinib Treatment in CLL: Case Study
Can a Third Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Produce Antibodies in Seronegative Patients With CLL?
All-Cause Mortality Differences Among Hispanic Patients With CLL: Perspective From the Bronx
Combining BTK and BCL2 Inhibitors in Front-Line Treatment of CLL: Phase II Trial
Genomic Landscape of CLL: Research Sheds Light on Molecular Subgroups and Targets
COVID-19 in a Patient With CLL Being Treated With Ibrutinib
Case Report: Incidental and Early Pathologic Detection of CLL After Bunionectomy
Case Report: CLL Found at the Time of Lung Transplantation
CLL and COVID-19: Case Report of Use of Convalescent Plasma Plus Remdesivir
Is Chemotherapy Linked to Deterioration of Oral Health in Patients With CLL?
Rare Case of Breast Tissue Involvement by CLL/SLL
Heart of the Matter: Effect of CLL on Outcomes From Elective Cardiac Surgery
Ofatumumab-Related Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: Case Study in CLL
UK-Based Study Evaluates Outcomes With Idelalisib Plus Rituximab in CLL
Is Apolipoprotein A of Prognostic and Therapeutic Value in Patients With CLL?
CLL14 Trial: Impact of Venetoclax Plus Obinutuzumab Treatment on Health-Related Quality of Life
Expert Recommendations for CLL Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Use of Smudge Cells as Prognostic Markers in CLL
Real-World Look From Japan at CLL Management
Rare Case of CLL Associated With Merkel Cell Carcinoma
How Do Patients With CLL Respond to the First Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Does Ibrutinib Pretreatment Reduce the Risk of Obinutuzumab-Related Infusion Reactions in CLL?
Does Lenalidomide Treatment Impact Apoptosis in CLL? Research Study Suggests Perhaps
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Biomarkers in Patients With CLL
Standard Versus Escalated Dose of Ofatumumab in Chemoimmunotherapy Regimen for CLL
How Effective Is the COVID-19 Vaccine for Patients With CLL?
Does Overexpression of Altered Follicular Helper T Cells Promote Proliferation of CLL?
COVID-19 Vaccine Immunogenicity and CLL: Case Report
Venetoclax-Treated Patient With CLL: Richter’s Transformation as Leptomeningeal Infiltration
Older Patients With CLL: Long-Term Results With Low-Dose Chemotherapy Plus Rituximab
Swiss Data Show Survival Improvement in CLL Since Late 1990s
Gene Mutations and Risk of Infection: Report From LRF CLL4 Trial
Anticoagulation for Angioplasty in a Patient With CLL: Case Report
Shedding Light on Tumor Dynamics: Focus on Ibrutinib and Venetoclax in CLL
Eomesodermin: A Master Regulator of CD8-Positive T Cells in CLL?
Clinicopathologic Study Focuses on Potential Immunophenotypic Precursor to CLL
NOTCH1 Regulatory Pathway Mutations: Predictive of Outcomes in CLL?
Using Machine Learning to Predict Risk of Infection in Newly Diagnosed CLL
Acalabrutinib for Resistant CLL: Therapeutic Option for Ibrutinib-Intolerant Patients?
Strategies for Managing Treatment Resistance in CLL
Expression of HELQ and EGR3 as Prognostic Biomarkers for CLL
Exposure to Chemotherapy and Risk of New Malignancies in Patients With CLL
Ultrapersonalized Medicine Approach in CLL: Focus on Genomic Instability and Clonal Evolution
Can Cytogenetic Markers Accurately Reflect Clinical Heterogeneity in CLL?
XPO1 E571 Mutations and Leukemogenesis in CLL
Ibrutinib-Refractory CLL: Focus on B Leukemic Cells
Are Clinical Outcomes Affected by Genetic Mutations in Ibrutinib-Treated CLL?
Practical Strategies for Managing Side Effects of Venetoclax in CLL
Case Study in CLL Features Ibrutinib-Induced Cardiac Tamponade
Chemotherapy-Free, First-Line Regimens in CLL: Focus on Restricted Mean Survival Time
Concurrent Leukemia Cutis and Norwegian Scabies: Case Study
Acute Kidney Injury and CLL: Case Study
Can Ibrutinib Enhance CAR T-Cell Production for Patients With CLL?
Selecting Initial Therapy for CLL: Renewed Focus on Minimal Residual Disease
XPO1 Mutation in CLL: Prevalence and Prognostic Value
Patients With CLL in India: Quality-of-Life Analysis
Selecting Among First-Line Therapies in CLL: Does Chemoimmunotherapy Still Play a Role?
Venetoclax Plus Rituximab in Relapsed CLL: Genomic Complexity and Outcomes
Treating Lymphopenia in a Patient With COVID-19 and Treatment-Naive CLL
Ibrutinib Treatment and Response to Fungal Infection in Patients With CLL
Phase II Trial Focuses on Short-Course Fludarabine With Continuous Ibrutinib in CLL
Ibrutinib Interruption in CLL: Pseudo-transformation or True Richter Transformation?
Are Immunoglobulin Alterations Prognostic of Outcomes in CLL?
NOTCH1 Mutation in CLL and Response to Ibrutinib
COVID-19 and CLL: Rare Case of Pseudohypoxemia
Ibrutinib Therapy for CLL: Real-World Outcomes From Denmark
Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for TP53-Mutant or Deleted CLL: Long-Term Outcomes
How Comorbidities May Affect Response to Idelalisib-Based Therapy in CLL
Fixed-Duration Combination Regimen Under Study in CLL
Swedish Study Centers on Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With CLL
Serious Inpatient Bacterial Infections and Survival in Patients With CLL
Case of Tumor-Lysis Syndrome After Combination CLL Therapy
COVID‐19 and CLL: Case Report of Viral Co-infection With Parainfluenza
Real-World Data From Czech Study Group on CD20 Antibody Plus Chemotherapy for CLL
Can Camptothecin-11 Analog Improve Response to Fludarabine in CLL?
Subcutaneous Versus Intravenous Rituximab in CLL: Canadian Experience
IGHV Mutations and the Relationship Between Translocation and Time to Treatment in CLL
Biomarker May Aid in the Stratification of Prognostic Groups for CLL
Does UGT2B17 Alter Treatment Response in CLL?
Pleural Empyema Caused by Rare Infection in a Patient With CLL
Atypical Case of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treated With R-CHOP
Novel Prognostic Model May Predict Outcomes in Early-Stage CLL
COVID-19 and CLL: Barcelona Hospital Experience
CAR T-Cell Therapy for CLL: Comparing Doses and Outcomes
Case Reports: Iron Overload Without Blood Transfusion in CLL
Review of Appropriate Therapies for Patients With CLL After Venetoclax Discontinuation
Dosing Schedules May Affect Outcomes With Acalabrutinib in CLL
Long-Term Data Support Ibrutinib Monotherapy in Patients With CLL/SLL
Chemoimmunotherapy vs Chemotherapy in CLL: 5-Year Follow-up of Complement 1 Trial
Do Dose Interruptions Affect Survival in Ibrutinib-Treated Patients With CLL?
Combination Regimens Targeting Multiple Kinases: Fruitful Avenue of CLL Research?
Use of Duvelisib After Ofatumumab in Resistant CLL/SLL
Treatment Potential of CAR-Transduced Natural Killer Cells in CLL
Meta-analysis Supports Maintenance Therapy for Reducing CLL Progression
CLL-Stereotyped Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangements in Normal B-Cell Subsets
Sequential Combination Therapy for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Moxetumomab Pasudotox Therapy Under Study in Resistant Hairy Cell Leukemia
Early-Phase Study of Acalabrutinib Plus Obinutuzumab in CLL
Potential Effect of Antigen Drive on T-Cell Repertoire in CLL
Minimal Residual Disease and Chemotherapy-Free Regimens in CLL: Surrogate Prognostic Marker?
CNS Aspergillosis After Ibrutinib Treatment for CLL: A Case Study
Case Study: Multifungal Infection in a Patient Treated With Ibrutinib for CLL
Early Discontinuation of First-Line Ibrutinib in CLL in the Real-World Setting
Response Rates to Venetoclax Plus Ibrutinib in High-Risk CLL
Could a Novel Endogenous Ligand Be a Potential Target for CLL Treatment?
Study Finds MicroRNA Targets p53 Gene in Epstein-Barr Virus–Associated CLL
Combination of Rituximab and High-Dose Methylprednisolone for High-Risk Patients With CLL
Expanding Use of Cyclophosphamide After Transplantation in CLL
Tracking Clonal Evolution in Patients With Stable and Progressive CLL
Exploring the Synergy Between Idelalisib and Bendamustine in Treating CLL
Use of Ibrutinib in CLL: Update 5 Years After Approval
Venetoclax Therapy for Elderly Patients With Resistant CLL
Next-Generation Sequencing and Minimal Residual Disease in Patients With CLL
Five-Year Outcomes With Front-Line Ibrutinib in CLL
CLARITY Trial Update of Ibrutinib Plus Venetoclax in Resistant CLL
Does the Mode of Disease Progression Affect Outcomes in CLL?
Putting Clonal Evolution to Practical Use in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Survival Outcomes in CLL: Ibrutinib/Rituximab Versus Standard Chemoimmunotherapy
Phase III Trial Shows Venetoclax/Obinutuzumab Active in First-Line Treatment of CLL
Early Results With Cirmtuzumab/Ibrutinib Therapy for CLL
Immunotherapy Under Study in Resistant CLL: ZUMA-8 Trial
Phase II Trial of Acalabrutinib in Ibrutinib-Intolerant Patients With CLL
Gait Speed and Grip Strength: Predictors of Outcome in Hematologic Malignancies?
Newer Treatment Regimen for High-Risk and Older Patients With CLL
Considerations in Selecting Treatment in Resistant CLL
Addition of Ibrutinib to Initial Treatment for Younger Patients With CLL
Long-Term Study Confirms Benefit of Idelalisib in Relapsed CLL
Do Ibrutinib Dose Modifications Affect Long-Term Benefits in CLL?
Natural Killer Cell Function Activated by CD19-Targeted Molecule in CLL
Suboptimal Dosing of Ibrutinib in Patients With CLL
Minimal Residual Disease Status and Long-Term Survival in CLL
Potential of Nitrostyrene Compounds in CLL
Do Risks Outweigh Benefits for Use of Idelalisib Plus Ofatumumab in CLL?

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